
RaceStar 2016

For large excitement minded the qualifying for the RaceStar project from 15.02.2016 to 03.10.2016 which was attended by three countries. Everybody aged 14-25 years who was born between 01.01.1991 and 31.12.2001 could participate. Of course, I took advantage of this chance and I successfully...
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Masters race 2016

Since February 2, 2016 I participate in the Masters race at the national karting center Kart One Arena. It is an open race for experienced drivers, but especially trainings, where everybody can train with the Sodi RT8 karts that are not available to the public. During my first Masters a training...
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Kart One Arena - club card

On the 21th February 2016 I registered into the new system of Kart One Arena and I got a new club card. The registration is free and every tenth ride is for free.
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In 2016 I will participate in races of the Yetti Cup, which are organized at Kart One Arena since 2012. It´s a matter of very nice organized races, where every lover of motorsport can participate. Every month, there is one race. The qualifying takes 10 minutes and the race 20 minutes. The entry fee...
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Sodi World Series 2016

The Sodi World Series is the biggest worldwide go-karts ranking which gives me the opportunity to participate to go-karts races which are classified as SWS races all year long. I participate in the SPRINT CUP races at the national karting center Kart One Arena in Bratislava which are...
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Slovak Circuit Cup 2016 - News

The year 2016 brings again some changes with it: The OFC group is changed and renamed to OC (Open Cars) and it is divided into OC small and OC big. The classes of the Slovak Circuit Cup for drivers with a valid racing license, under the auspices of the Slovak Association of Motorsport are...
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Slovak Circuit Cup - Time schedule 2016

Finally I can introduce you to the time schedule for the Slovak Circuit Cup 2016! Slovak Circuit Cup - Time schedule 2016 Time | Type | Group 09:00-09:30 | Free Practice (paid extra) STC/CUP 09:30-10:00 | Free Practice (paid extra) BTC 10:00-10:20 | Free Practice STC/CUP  10:20-10:40 |...
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Slovak Circuit Cup - Race calendar 2016

With great pleasure I would like to introduce my fans to the race calendar for the Slovak Circuit Cup 2016! 25.03.2016 | Slovakia Ring (test day) 14.04.2016 | Brno 05.05.2016 | Slovakia Ring 05.07.2016 | Pannonia Ring  21.07.2016 | Brno 29.08.2016 | PannoniaRing 29.09.2016 | Slovakia Ring
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Driver´s ID card

On the 31th October 2015 I completed a mandatory training about safety and mobility on the track before driving at Slovakia Ring. After completing the training I received a driver´s identification card which now entitles me to drive on the track and applies to all my following rides on the track....
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Website was launched

Today my new website was launched. I hope my new website leaves a good first impression, that I can impress you and that you will return regularly to not miss any news.
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